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Category: Blog

Isabelle Forstmann

[Podcast] Measuring, Growing, and Sustaining Culture

Culture can be measured. It can be grown. It can be sustained. Listen as culture development expert and certified CultureTalk Partner DJ Hurula and special guests Cynthia Forstmann and Theresa Agresta break down the Archetype survey system and examine each stage of a culture-related initiative.

Isabelle Forstmann

Your Professional Brand

Our professional brand is built carefully over time, becoming our business reputation in our industry. Instead of worrying about daily posting to the ever-downward spiral of social media, we step back and share our stories when it matters and where they can do the most good within our industry and community.

Isabelle Forstmann

Your LifeStone

Recently I had a strange thought. What if we stopped lamenting our tombstone, and created a LifeStone instead. What would your LifeStone say today? Over the years I have taught myself to mindfully recognize and embrace how vast the world around me truly is. I don’t always get it right, and I have a willingness to accept myself, and the joys and sorrows of life as they come. It’s been quite a journey!

Cynthia Forstmann

Your Personal Brand: Who Are You?

How do you find a way to present yourself that truly reflects you? One that connects the dots between your past experiences and your future plans? One you feel excited to share? Where do you begin?

Isabelle Forstmann

A Case Study in Recruitment Branding

Stories are the bridge through which we connect to one another. These individual stories are the building blocks of a larger story: the story of the organization. It is important that we tend to these stories.

Isabelle Forstmann

Perks vs. Purpose: What’s More Important for Retaining Employees?

Some areas of workplace culture, such as company policies, supervision, workplace conditions, job security, and even salary, are just like brushing your teeth. If these aspects are not up to par, employees will be dissatisfied; however, improvement of these factors is not what creates a feeling of satisfaction with one’s job.

Cynthia Forstmann

Learning the Language of Teamwork

“We see teams having conversations in a new way, using the Archetypes to describe what’s working, what’s not working, and what might be missing.”

Theresa Agresta

Purpose-Led Cultures

Many companies recognize the need to focus on their purpose, but don’t really understand what it means to be ‘purpose-led.’

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