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The HERO Archetype

Inspiring others to be
bigger, braver, and stronger.


Goal driven, hardworking, and tenacious, Heroes believe nothing that’s worth it is easy. Setbacks only deepen their commitment.

Heroes may save lives, right wrongs, or tackle what seem like insurmountable odds. They are ready to fight for principles and do things because they are the right things to do.


Hero workplace cultures are goal-focused and results-oriented.

The Hero story fuels a group’s drive to succeed, to compete, to strive, to win, and to consistently meet and exceed stakeholder expectations.

When Heroes slip into the shadow side, burn-out, stress, or aggressive behaviors disrupt teamwork. Shorter-term “heroic” actions can overtake longer-term strategic thinking.


Courage, Can-do attitude, Principled action

Guiding Vision

To protect, to serve, to win

Inspired by

A cause or would-be obstacle

Organizations with High Hero

Nike, The Red Cross, Mothers Against Drunk Driving


Arrogance, Bullying, Short-term thinking

Favorite Phrase

Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!

Frustrated by

People who give up

Individuals with High Hero

Usain Bolt, Alexander the Great, Serena Williams

Struggling to Lead Your Remote or Hybrid Team Culture?

You are not alone.

In a recent survey of 900 U.S. Based leaders, 75% said their firms were still terrible at remote work.