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The caregiver Archetype

An oasis of comfort
in a bustling world.


The Caregiver is highly sensitive to everything going on around them, picking up on unspoken fears, lacks, and negative emotions.

These trigger a sense of compassion and protection; they are the first to offer a hand, a shoulder, or an ear.

Caregivers are driven by a passion to help and are able to give freely without expecting anything in return.


Caregiver workplace cultures put people first. They are stable, responsive, nurturing environments where it’s possible for others to grow and heal.

They create systems and structures that keep people safe and secure. Caregiver teams and organizations are customer-focused.

Dependency, martyrdom, over-delivery, and sleepless nights from caring too much may signal a Caregiver has slipped into the shadow side.


Selflessness, Patience, Endless Energy

Guiding Vision

To make sure all needs are met

Inspired by

Compassion, kindness, generosity

Organizations with High Caregiver

Volvo, Nordstrom, Allstate


Overcommitment, Martyrdom

Favorite Phrase

Lend a hand in any situation

Frustrated by

People who live only for themselves

Individuals with High Caregiver

Mother Teresa, Jacinda Ardern, Obi-Wan Kenobi


Struggling to Lead Your Remote or Hyrbid Team Culture?

You are not alone.

In a recent survey of 900 U.S. Based leaders, 75% said their firms were still terrible at remote work.