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The Innocent Archetype

Exemplars of optimism
who see the bright side.


The Innocent individual operates from a clear and consistent set of values, an inner compass pointed towards simple goodness, awe, wonder, gratitude, and joy.

Innocents trust that no matter how things look now, everything will work out in the end. This positive attitude is contagious; it helps others renew their faith, finding sanctuary, peace, and happiness.


Innocent workplace cultures are places where supporting trust, shared values, and faith in authority & one another translate into team cohesion.

Innocent organizations are often highly value- driven, coalescing around belief systems that bring everyone together and may even call them to a higher good.

When Innocent slips into the shadow side, the unbounded optimism and need to keep-the-peace can feel naïve. Sometimes the glass isn’t half full, and the Innocent may need a reality check to keep things moving forward.


Consistency, Trust, Faith, Hope

Guiding Vision

Trust that things will always workout for the best

Inspired by

Simple pleasures, Values-driven initiatives

Organizations with High Innocent

NASA, Ivory, Method, The Honest Company, Coca-Cola


Unrealistic, Resistant to change and conflict

Favorite Phrase

Don’t worry, be happy!

Frustrated by

Negativity, Complications

Individuals with High Innocent

Gandhi, The Dali Lama, Mary Poppins

Struggling to Lead Your Remote or Hybrid Team Culture?

You are not alone.

In a recent survey of 900 U.S. Based leaders, 75% said their firms were still terrible at remote work.